Jordana - Meowth PokèHybrid

    In the town of Vermillion City, in a house near the docks, lived a happy family. You couldn't have found a more nicer and happier family. There was the dad (named Joseph), the mom (named Rosa), and their little twelve year old girl, Jordana. Joseph and Rosa were always working with their child, trying to get her to be something special when she grows up. Jordana, however, wanted to follow her own path. She did grow up learning that stealing was bad, but she wanted to join Team Rocket and help out with the computers and technology. And she heard they have the best.
    One day, Jordana spoke up on the subject and told her parents that she was leaving.
    "I'm going to Viridian City to see Giovanni. He was here last week and he offered me a great job so I can get a even better one with him later," She said.
    "You leave this house to join the filth, Team Rocket, I don't ever want to see you near this house again. You got me?" her mom asked with fire and tears in her eyes.
    She picked up her stuff, "Yes mom, I understand. I was hoping you might support me, because the job I plan on having would bring us the money we need. But since you do not, I shall fend out for myself."
    Her dad looked at her, "I hope you know what you're doing, young lady. Your mom and I are serious."
    "And I'm glad you are," she smiles. "But I'm not going to do anything bad, like stealing. You two are the best parents a girl could ask for.. I only wish you could understand me."
    "Fine.. you get your job. I want you to call me first thing when you get there, and let me know how you're doing," her mom said, wiping away her tears.
    Jordana smiled and kissed her mom's cheek, "I will mom. Don't worry about me."
    "Be careful, Jo. We don't want anything to happen to you," her dad hugged her.
    "Yes, sir."
    And with that, she walked out the door and headed for Viridian City...


    She was almost to Cerulean City, when she heard a faint meow. Curious, she looked around for where it was coming from. She followed the sound until she stopped at a tree. She looked up and saw a little Meowth stuck in the branches.
    "Oh, Hi there little one. Do you want me to help you down?" she said in a soothe voice, so not to scare the kitten.
    Jordana reached out her arm slowly to the little kitten and the kitten jumped into her hand. Then she pulled her hand back and put the little kitten down.
    She smiled, "There ya go. All safe and sound on the ground."
    The little kitten looked up at her smiling and meowing. She kneeled over and pet it.
    "You're so adorable. Perhaps if you stay around, you'll get a nice owner. I mean, who wouldn't want you?" she petted the kitten again. "Bye little kitty."
    She stood up, then continued on her journey to Viridian City. The kitten managed to follow her, but when Jordana got to Mt. Moon, the kitten ran away, scared of going into the dark mountain.
    Eventually, she left the mountains and headed for Pewter City. When she was there, it became nightfall and she found a nice little place to stay for the night. She lied down and thought to herself before going to bed.
    "Well, tomorrow I hit Viridian City. I'll meet up with Giovanni and hopefully get started right away. I wonder what all he'll let me do my first week.."
    And with that, she fell asleep.


So, the next morning when she awoke, she got her some breakfast then headed to Viridian City. It wasn't long before she reached Viridian Forest. She walked through it without any bother. Some people stopped her along the way, wanting to battle. She told them that she wasn't a trainer, and was heading to Viridian City to see Giovanni. After that, they backed away.. scared of Giovanni. Soon, she was out of the forest and in the city. She headed straight for the Gym and walked in. Not seeing Giovanni in the main arena anywhere, she stopped the nearest person.
    "Hi, I'm here to see Giovanni. Where can I find him?" Jordana asked this person.
    The person was a tall man, dressed in black, with a gold R on his shirt and hat. He looked at her curiously.
    "Are you here to compete for the Earth badge?" He asked her.
    "No.. I'm here to see Giovanni about a job. He saw me in Vermillion City last week when he was there. He offered me a job and I told him I'd be here the next week."
    "Oh, ok. Then stay right here. I'll go get tell him."
    She nodded as the Rocket footman headed the way he came. She looked around the area as she waited. Then the footman came back.
    "Giovanni says that he can't see you right away. But if you will follow me, I shall take you a room where you can put your stuff down and relax for a bit while you wait," the guy said.
    "Ok," Jordana replied and followed the footman into a room where she put down her stuff.
    "This is it. So, please be patient and Giovanni will get to you shortly."
    The footman made sure she was comfortable, then ran out the room, slamming the door. Jordana looked around the room and noticed the extremely large mirror on the other wall. Not giving it a second thought, she picked up a magazine and sat down, waiting patiently to see Giovanni.
