This work of art, is (c) November 30th 2000, Pokehybrid Trainer-JimBoom006.

I give my thanks to my friends, Chris(MewFree), Robyn(Jordana), Jay(NightmareNyuura), Robby(Nukem999), and to others I've forgotten to mention. Hope I can make more of these with your help..  ^_^ Be warned, this was from the process of a week. It's long..

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Warning, foul language is here too...

-The story begins, a long battle has been ended. Me and a Zapdos kid have inflitrated TR HQ. Now to save some people...-
CL MEW FREE GIRL: :: a faint voice answers::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Hello....? Are you still....there?
-I wonder if that person I just called out to in that jail cell still....THERE. As in still has a human side to help..-

CL MEW FREE GIRL: go away...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he walks to a door::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: -_- Why...we're here to get you out of here...
Ditto Pokehybrid: It doesn't matter what you look like, all I care is that I want to help you!
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he grabed the bar window and lifted himself to look inside::..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: you're....gonna get me out?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Yeah...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::it is dark inside the cell so you can bairly see the outline of the figure::
Ditto Pokehybrid: C'mon, help me open the door...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he then let go and looked to the door::..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: Will you...take me back to my dad?
Nightmare Nyuura: Right....
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He shoves the blade through the side of the door, at the lock.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: We will. I swear...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He starts to jiggle the door.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: here...hand that thing to me
Nightmare Nyuura: I'll start working on the other doors...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Okay...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::some claws come out of the door's bars::
Ditto Pokehybrid: '_' -(?)
Ditto Pokehybrid: (thinks): Claws....
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he walked over to the next door down, he looked to the door and to the lock::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He moves the gunblade through the space on the door.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: I'll give it back..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::takes it and a moment later, hands it back, wrapped in a cloth::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::this was simple, he placed a hand on the lock part and he sent electric waves set to imate magnets and forced the lock to open::..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: it's careful..
Ditto Pokehybrid: o_o -(...)
Ditto Pokehybrid: No..offense but....what....are you?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He takes the blade, and takes a swipe at the lock.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: let me out and you'll see, hurry before it gets cold again
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::It busts open.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He jumps back.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he opened his door that he was working with::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: (thinks): Here I go...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked into the cell::..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::she side steps out of the cell, cover her face from the light::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::a Charizard PKH stands before him::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He sees an unually large shadow of the girl...::
Nightmare Nyuura: ...... We got a golem Hybrid over in this one.. o.o;
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::The GolemPKH is asleep, a child in tattered clothes, holding his legs, asleep.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: That's Rocky...
Nightmare Nyuura: .... Little children.... lifes recked before living there golden days of there human youth..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He slowly opens his eyes, and looks up at the ZapdosPKH.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Damn Rockets....
CL MEW FREE GIRL: I'm Cassie..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He stands up, much taller than the ZapdosPKH.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked to the Golem hybrid::..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: Rocky! it's okay, the're here to get us out!
Ditto Pokehybrid: I'm Rocky..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ...wha?
CL MEW FREE GIRL: come on out
Ditto Pokehybrid: Cass? They will?
Nightmare Nyuura: Heya Rocky...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He walks to him.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: they'll take you back to your grandma!
Ditto Pokehybrid: Umm.....hi.....
Ditto Pokehybrid: Young, and their lives are so tortured...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::she runs down the hall:: wev'e got to get my little sister!
Nightmare Nyuura: .... Its fucked up... Now they can't go back to there normal lives...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::scoots to a stop in front of a cell::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks all over Cassie.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he walked over to where cass is::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He walks over to Jim.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::knocks on the door::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::A suffle is heard from the room::
Ditto Pokehybrid:
::He hugs him, his head ontop of his shoulder, crying.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked to cass::.. If you will stand back..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: Vicky....wake's me
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He really tries not to wince, he's accidentally crushing him.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he placed a hand on the lock, his electric waves minipulate the lock and its forced open::
Ditto Pokehybrid: You're here to save us too, right?
Ditto Pokehybrid:
Umm... x_x Lemme go...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Sowrie...My strength... ::Lets go::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Yeah...I am...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::looks to cass::.. go and see her...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::she walks in:: Vicky?
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked over to Jim::..
Nightmare Nyuura:
Theres a few more here.... come on...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: :: a loud thump is heard from the room::
Ditto Pokehybrid:
::Both creatures walk to everyone.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He pauses.:: What the....?
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he walked to another door::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: (Umm, can you describe how the PKH captives look like?)
CL MEW FREE GIRL: Vicky...don't worry about the stupid chair
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks all over Rocky.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: come on JIm, i'll show you what it looks like
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::She lights her tail in the room::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He almost looks like a Golem, except for his red shirt, almost in shreads, his hand is himan, and his mouth has lips.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Umm, okay.... ::He walks through.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::a small closet-like cell with molded-over stones and a bed in the corner, with no light::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He first looks all over Cassie...::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he opens the door to this cell like the other two that he did::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: (Ack, last 3 lines is Jim...)
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::cassie is almost fully-charizard except for her red hair and her body figure::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he opened the door and looked to what was inside::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he then walks in the room, and looks at the creature...:: Hello...
Nightmare Nyuura: A.... Cyndaquil...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he was in the corner his head duck down in his arms::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: What? ::He runs over to where the ZapdosPKH is.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::Vicky, a squritle PKH is in Cassie's arms::
Nightmare Nyuura:
..::his head slowly lifted hearing the door open, he looked to the Zapdos hybrid, his eyes were a soft brown and his hair was a pitch black, patches of fire came from his back::..
DittoPKH: _' huge to small...::He.....pets her head.:: You...alright?
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked away looking to the ground::.. Lets get the rest out of here and lets get out.
Ditto Pokehybrid: Hullo...let's get out of here...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he got up and walked out to the others::..
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked to the others::.. Whats going on...?
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ther'e gonna take me back to Daddy ^_^
Nightmare Nyuura:
... Will I get to go home to..?
CL MEW FREE GIRL: yep! ^_^
Ditto Pokehybrid:
Yeah! These two people came in here, and is busting everyone out!
NightmareNyuura:..::he sighs::..How many more are there here..?.::he looked down the hall::..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: One more... but he...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: I don't think you want him to come out..
Nightmare Nyuura: Why is that..?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Why... ::He looks at his blade at his holster.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: he's huge.....and....he's a phsyco
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He runs over to where the kid was.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: He's not a kid
Ditto Pokehybrid: I don't even know if he wants to be home...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he takes out his gunblade.::
Nightmare Nyuura: So in other words unstable, and exstreamly dangerous at the moment...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Only one way to find out...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::two huge blue eyes are seen from the bars::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he watches Jim::..
CL MEW FREE GIRL: are you gonna let me out?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Yeah...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he prepares himself::..
DittoPKH: ::He backs away, blade in hand.:: Word says that you're not exactly a kid...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: I'm not...I'm 14.. ::he sticks his tounge through the bars::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: do you have any water?
Ditto Pokehybrid: You want water or soda?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He puts his sword away and looks through his bookbag.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: Anything....they havn't gave me anything to drink in days...
Nightmare Nyuura: Any clue on what he is?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::Through the bars, he gives him a bottle of Coca-cola.::  Nope...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::takes it with tiny paws:: ::brings it in::
Ditto Pokehybrid: '_'   Wait, I think I do...
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::drinks it down:: please..let me out now....
Ditto PKH: ::He busts open the lock. He looks all over the creature, drinking the soda.::
CL MEW FREE GIRL: ::a tiny Mew PKH steps out, looking up at them::

-We save them. The kids run out. My Feathered ally stays behind me, and we go on to a silent hallway..-

  >: ) Finally some good stuff...

-Another was among us.... Here she is...Here.-

Ditto Pokehybrid: ::Jim looks around....::  Good...nothin'. ::He takes out his 9mms out and starts walking, looking at his sides, guns drawn. Shoves clips inside his guns.::
Nightmare Nyuura:
..::he was following behind jim::..
::she was walking along the corridors, hearing her new target was in the building::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked about as they went along::..
MeowthAndPersian: ::she pulled out her Colt .45 and headed to the third floor::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He stays silent...::
Nightmare Nyuura: [ I'm writeing Kid's story I'll complete it later and send it you yaz ]
-The kid's story is here. It isn't long. Has a pic too.-

Ditto Pokehybrid: (thinks): Someone's coming...and fast...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He locks his guns, releases their safety lock.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked to Jim as he agjusted his guns::..
MeowthAndPersian: Hmm.. ::walks into a nearby room, leaving the door open::
Ditto Pokehybrid:
(yells): Show yourself dammit!!!
DittoPKH: ::He fires bullets at a hallway in front of himself.:: ::Reloads his guns.::
MeowthAndPersian: ::gives a fake cry:: Oh, please!! Don't shoot me! I'm so scared..
Nightmare Nyuura: ...
Ditto Pokehybrid:
::He runs around.:: Hurry the fuck up! I don't have all day!
MeowthAndPersian: ::she starts making herself shake and she walks out:: Oh, please...
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he folloed jim::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He stops, and aims his guns to her.::
MeowthAndPersian: ::a tear forms in her eye and rolls down her cheek::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Heh, damn rocket...
I got lost in all this terror..
Ditto Pokehybrid: (yells): DIE!!!!!!
Rocket?  Not me..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He fires right at her.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he peered at the jynix Hybrid::..
MeowthAndPersian: ::dives into the room::
Nightmare Nyuura: o.o...
MeowthAndPersian: ::aims for the doorway::
Nightmare Nyuura:
..::he thinks for a bit::.. o.o... That was Giovanni's new hit person... Josie..
Ditto PKH: (yells): 033!!!C'mon you damn Hybrid Hunter... You think you can beat the original?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He laughs evily.::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he looked to jim::..
MeowthAndPersian: ::laughs psychotically:: Jim Boom.. the real Jim Boom in person..
Ditto Pokehybrid:     Okay, let's see....
MeowthAndPersian:     What a pleasure it is to finally meet you..
Ditto Pokehybrid:     What bullshit did Giovanni tell you so you can join him? Or you don't remember...
    What are you talking about? I was born to work for Giovanni!
Nightmare Nyuura:     ..::he looked to jim::.. Right she doesn't..
Ditto PKH ::He fires at a window. It shatters.:: ::He reloads.::
MeowthAndPersian:     ::stays in the room, gun aimed at the doorway::
Nightmare Nyuura:  Josie, a once a officer until capture.... they whiped her mind like mine was...
M&P:I just want to meet you and you want to kill me!But you're a hero to me...:laughs again:
DittoPKH:You were one of Jenny's elite students..reduced to this..
Nightmare Nyuura:     Come on Josie, Your better then this.. Giovanni is just tricking you playing with your mind.
MeowthAndPersian:   ::hears that other voice:: Who's that? Your little sidekick, Jim? I thought you were better than that!!
Ditto PKH: Look, he's one of yours.::He holds the ZapdosPKH by the neck.::
Nightmare Nyuura:     o.o;; eep..
DittoPKH: Stay out of my way for now, and do not interfere! Got that?
Nightmare Nyuura:     Right..
MeowthAndPersian:     Here Ditto, Ditto, Ditto...  ::laughs once again::
Ditto Pokehybrid:     ::yawns:: This isn't hide n' seek...
Ditto Pokehybrid:     ::He fires at an adjacent window near her.::
MeowthAndPersian:     You stay in that hallway... you weren't suppose to know about me.. Now I'm going to have to wait to kill you...
Ditto Pokehybrid:     ::The glass shrapnel hits the floor 10 feet away from her.::
MeowthAndPersian:     ::mumbles a bit to herself.. no exit to this room:: Damn you, Jim! Had to ruin my big chance to show myself.. ::runs straight for the adjacent window, running out the room and shooting at Jim as she then dives out the window::
Nightmare Nyuura:     o.o;
MeowPersian:::she hits the ground with a hard thud and stumbles to her feet, running from the building::

Ditto Pokehybrid: (I"m fixing/saving...)
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He hugs the wall with his back and exchanges fire.::
MeowthAndPersian: ::she had dusted off and started her run away from the building::
Ditto Pokehybrid: The hell are you going?! ::He runs back back back...::
DittoPKH:::to the entrance area of the HQ. Fire is present from his ATVs explosion.::
MeowthAndPersian: ::she hides herself in the woods nearby::
Nightmare Nyuura: ..::he was following jim but not real close behind::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Not today!?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Look, you were supposed to be a cop, not a hunter.
Ditto Pokehybrid: You really want to become a hunter?
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked around taking care with every step::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Expect your own ass to be hunted as well...
RokettoDanBonnie: Never a cop! They're the wrong side of the law!
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he runs right toward the forest.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she leaps up into the trees, giving some very good gymnastic moves and she moves through
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He stops, and looks all around himself.::
RokettoDanBonnie: the limbs::
Ditto Pokehybrid: In battles, you fight people dead on...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Not act like a fool, and use a suprise move...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Show yourself, and fight, like a true warrior!
RokettoDanBonnie: I was not prepared for you to know about me yet.. You would know about me right before I
RokettoDanBonnie: killed you.. but no!
Ditto Pokehybrid: Heh. Word goes fast...
RokettoDanBonnie: My whole plan ::grabs a limb and holsts herself onto it:: Ruined!
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he can only here the two argue from where he was::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Tell me this, how many have you killed?
Ditto Pokehybrid: And in what period of time?
RokettoDanBonnie: None of your damn business!
Ditto Pokehybrid: And how'd you do it, with that pathetic gun?
Ditto Pokehybrid: If it's one thing, technonogy still has flaws...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He slashes the air all around himself.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Going back to ancient school is still the right way to fight.
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she powers herself up:: I don't always use my pistols..
Ditto Pokehybrid: That's right...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Let that agression take you over...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ...make you a murderer.
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he walkes around more heading his way to where he hears the two::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks at a tree, and starts to take slashes at it.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::It falls down to the side of himself.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she comes near him and shoots ice beams at his feet to freeze him in place::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He rolls out of the way..::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He sits down, looking up at her.::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he now was in the position on where he can see Jim::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: "The greatest foe lies within the self..."
Ditto Pokehybrid: It's all in your head weither or not you want to go in this path to hell.
Ditto Pokehybrid: I'm trying to help ya...
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he walks his way over to the group::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he stands.::
RokettoDanBonnie: How are you trying to help me!? You're trying to kill me!
Ditto Pokehybrid: No, You're trying to kill me.
RokettoDanBonnie: That's beside the point.. I have a job to do..
Ditto Pokehybrid: So do I.
RokettoDanClyde: Joise,... Listen.. your not one of the rockets, you were human until the rockets took you
RokettoDanBonnie: I come out talking, instead of shooting, and you shot at me!
RokettoDanClyde: and forced you into what you are... there useing you..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He runs at her, and slashes the side of her right arm.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to the Zapdos:: We all have flaws..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He's a few feet away from her.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::grasps her arm:: Ahhh...
Ditto Pokehybrid: My job, is to save all creatures, from asses like you...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::growls and jumps up into a tree, then ice beaming her own arm::
RokettoClyde: Flaws,.... thats the only thing that keeps you from full human state of mind.
Ditto Pokehybrid: And I intend to do that, unless you believe that TR only manipulated you, to make you their tool of their destruction...

DanBonnie: My whole plan ::grabs a limb and holsts herself onto it:: Ruined!
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he can only here the two argue from where he was::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Tell me this, how many have you killed?
Ditto Pokehybrid: And in what period of time?
RokettoDanBonnie: None of your damn business!
Ditto Pokehybrid: And how'd you do it, with that pathetic gun?
Ditto Pokehybrid: If it's one thing, technonogy still has flaws...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He slashes the air all around himself.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Going back to ancient school is still the right way to fight.
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she powers herself up:: I don't always use my pistols..
Ditto Pokehybrid: That's right...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Let that agression take you over...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ...make you a murderer.
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he walkes around more heading his way to where he hears the two::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks at a tree, and starts to take slashes at it.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::It falls down to the side of himself.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she comes near him and shoots ice beams at his feet to freeze him in place::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He rolls out of the way..::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He sits down, looking up at her.::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he now was in the position on where he can see Jim::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: "The greatest foe lies within the self..."
Ditto Pokehybrid: It's all in your head weither or not you want to go in this path to hell.
Ditto Pokehybrid: I'm trying to help ya...
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he walks his way over to the group::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he stands.::
RokettoDanBonnie: How are you trying to help me!? You're trying to kill me!
Ditto Pokehybrid: No, You're trying to kill me.
RokettoDanBonnie: That's beside the point.. I have a job to do..
Ditto Pokehybrid: So do I.
RokettoDanClyde: Joise,... Listen.. your not one of the rockets, you were human until the rockets took you
RokettoDanBonnie: I come out talking, instead of shooting, and you shot at me!
RokettoDanClyde: and forced you into what you are... there useing you..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He runs at her, and slashes the side of her right arm.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to the Zapdos:: We all have flaws..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He's a few feet away from her.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::grasps her arm:: Ahhh...
Ditto Pokehybrid: My job, is to save all creatures, from asses like you...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::growls and jumps up into a tree, then ice beaming her own arm::
RokettoDanClyde: Flaws,.... thats the only thing that keeps you from full human state of mind.
Ditto Pokehybrid: And I intend to do that, unless you believe that TR only manipulated you, to make you their
Ditto Pokehybrid: tool of their destruction...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she gets quiet::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Is that how you want to be remembered?
RokettoDanBonnie: Take them.. ::grabs her .45's and drops them to the ground::
RokettoDanClyde: Josie,... you were to be said to be a gaurd who never lost..? so how are you where your now?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Shadow Slice!
Ditto Pokehybrid:
::While the guns fall, he goes to the other side of them.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::The guns are into bits..::
RokettoDanBonnie: If I go to the ground.. will you attack me?
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she looks down at Jim::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::says nothing::
RokettoDanBonnie: I gave you my weapons.. they are destroyed..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to Jim::.. There is a way to save her...
Ditto Pokehybrid: (psi): It all depends on you...
Ditto Pokehybrid: There's no chance in hell you're defenseless...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He puts his sword away.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Fine, i'll call your bluff...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she drops to the ground::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to josie::..
RokettoDanBonnie: If I attack you, I'm not strong enough to kill you with my pokemon attacks, you can get me back..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He takes out his gunblade from his back instead..::
RokettoDanClyde: Jim....
RokettoDanBonnie: ::sighs and looks to the gunblade:: Guess it was bound to happen one day..
Ditto Pokehybrid: I don't believe you, you liar...
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he held out a hand ready for a move::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::leans against the trunk of the tree::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He shoves a clip into his blade.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He motions his head to the ZapdosPKH, to her.::
RokettoDanClyde: ....
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he walked over::..
RokettoDanClyde: ... ..::he looked to Jim::.. So your just going to do this to me too...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to Jim, not taking her eyes off him as she keeps a blank face::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::says nothing, and keeps a poker face onto her.::
RokettoDanBonnie: If you are here to help... then help me....
RokettoDanClyde: .... go ahead... be what they made you to didn't help at all...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Either the world will never see what you can do to help, ...or i'll kill you. Right here, right now.
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he stares at jim::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Your decision...Talk away...
RokettoDanBonnie: I want to live..
RokettoDanClyde: So do I... I didn't want to stay with the rockets, if I did would I have had helped you..?
RokettoDanBonnie: Teach me, Jim.. I want to be as good as you are.. I want to be the best..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He laughs::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked up to josie::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: >: I     I still don't believe ya...
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to Jim::..
RokettoDanBonnie: What will it take for you to believe me?
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she took one step closer to Jim and stopped::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he points his blade to her forehead.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::holds up her hands::
RokettoDanClyde: ... Jim,... don't do this.......
RokettoBonnie: ::takes another step:: Answer me. What can I do to prove myself to you?
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he keeps watch on jim::..
DittoPKH:Oh please...don't give me that crap girl...You just want to smack my face...

RokettoDanBonnie: No I don't..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Then why are you edging closer...Assuming that I wouldn't have the guts to kill ya?
RokettoDanBonnie: To get away from the tree, that way I can't run..
Ditto Pokehybrid: You'd put my weapon down, and take an attack on me.Then you'd use my own weapon against you.
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he takes a step closer to them::..
RokettoBonnie: Come on, what can I do to prove myself? I'm at your mercy.. I'm unarmed..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he walked over to them more::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: worked..... ::He puts the gunblade away.::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to Jim::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::takes another step::  You believe me then?
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he was right behind josie::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: So far...Once you take a swing at me, I probally will kill you... And keep your distance...
RokettoDanBonnie: Well, I want to shake on it..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he kept himself ready for anything to happen::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: You know damn well that you're gonna attack me... I know that too. Deep down, you're crying your eyes out... Well, let's make that human side suffer...
RokettoDanBonnie: Crying.. for what?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he extends his hand out to her.:: Crying for it to regain controll.
Ditto Pokehybrid: Go ahead, now i'm defenseless...
RoketBonnie: ::she walks up to him, keeping her eyes on his face in case he tries something::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks right at her eyes.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::She gets right in front of him and stops::
DittoPKH: Go ahead and do whatever you're thinking... -_- ::He shuts his eyes.::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he watches getting more prepared::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::Tears start to form from his eyelids, and they fall down his cheek.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Hit me dammit!!!!!
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to his tears::... Hit you?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::His body tenses up, preparing himself for the attack.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::wipes away his tears:: No...
RokettoDanClyde: So your with us now Josie...
Ditto Pokehybrid: How do I know you're not lying to me... You'll kill me when you have the chance...And now, it's here.
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she was already in hand shake distance, but she took a step closer::
Ditto Pokehybrid: You're too close...
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he kept watch::.. We trust you now Josie...
RokettoDanBonnie: Can't I be close.. ?
DittoPKH: tears fall faster, something inside of himself crying out to him...:: no no......

DittoPKH:(yells): Kill me now dammit!!!  That's all you want to do....
RokettoDanBonnie: Shhh... calm down..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he kept prepared watching the two from where he was standing::..

RokettoDanClyde: ..::he kept steady as he payed close attion to the two::..
RokettoDanClyde: [ o.o... ]
RokettoDanBonnie: [ Don't be too prepared, Zap kid.. you'll attack before anyone else does.. ]
Ditto Pokehybrid: (What...?)
RokettoDanClyde: [ o.o... I was begingint to wonder if anyone comp. was forze.. ]
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to Jim, bringing her lips to his ear and whispering:: I'm not killing you...
RokettoDanClyde: [ begining* ]
Ditto Pokehybrid: I don't believe you....
Ditto Pokehybrid: (So tear me open and pour me out...)
RokettoDanBonnie: ::still whispering:: I'm not.. but I want you away from the headquarters..
Ditto Pokehybrid: (There's things inside me without a doubt..)
Ditto Pokehybrid: (And the pain still holds me,)
Ditto Pokehybrid: (So hold me,)
Ditto Pokehybrid: (Until it sleeps...)
Ditto Pokehybrid: (-Metallica, "Until It Sleeps")
-Yeah, blame me for being a Metallica fan..- >: )

RokettoDanBonnie: ::she moves her lips to his, kissing him... but with the kiss comes a strong desire to sleep
Ditto Pokehybrid: (Thought that'd sounded great about now..)
RokettoDanBonnie: as it makes him very very drowsy..::
RokettoDanClyde: [ Lovly kiss,.. sleep move ]
RokettoDanClyde: [ nighty night... ]
RokettoDanBonnie: [ It was perfect timing.. "Until It Sleeps" then Jim going to sleep.. or so I hope.. ]
Ditto Pokehybrid:'re...a...liar.....
RokettoDanClyde: ..::seeing this action can't bring anything good, he raised his hand and shot a ball of
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He collapses to the ground, tears still rolling down his face, and fal;ls asleep..::
RokettoDanBonnie: Go to bed, rest your head. Get away now or you'll be dead..
RokettoDanClyde: eclectric energy that surrounded Josie, bolts flew out and held her still like being  parilized::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::gets caught in the electricity, crying out in pain::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::psychicly sends a message to Zapkid:: He's asleep.. get him away from here.. before others come..
Clyde: Alright let do things my way.. ..::he claps both hands together and energy begins to form, golden energy begins to gather, as he relesed his hand and a golden feather was there, it then flew to josie's head and gave her a slight shock, it was slowly peiceing back her mind setting to what it was before the brain wash::.. [ x.X ] Not till you come to your senses...
DittoPKH: (Hey, she still has to remember the situations and what she has done..)
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he then droped the eletrcic field::.. ..::he then walked to Jim::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::winces and falls to the ground::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he grabs him and lifting him as much as he could, he then started to drag him off and away::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she holds her head in pain, down on her knees::
Clyde:..::he looked back to josie::..the pain will stop in a few.....::he then contiued on::..
..::he continued down a path draging Jim for atleast a hour, then stopped by a near by pond::..
..::he walked to a tree and leaned jim up againts it::..

RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to Jim, he patted him upside the head lightly::.. Jim,... wake up...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she got to her feet once she felt better and headed back into the building::
RokettoDanClyde: .::he continued for a while::.. Jim, get up.......
Ditto Pokehybrid: Ugh....   u_o What....happened to that murderer...?
RokettoDanClyde: I left her back there,... on the ground.... I have attempted on giving her memory back...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Well, she isn't here...I assume you had to shock her ass to save me...
RokettoDanClyde: If it had worked, well.. she'll be pretty pissed at gioavnni..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::later on, [::going with Jay's hour lapse::] she makes her way out::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::pulls out a hand grenade and looks to it, then to the building::
RokettoDanClyde: So you feeling awright Jim?
Ditto Pokehybrid: I...guess...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she starts walking away, pulling out the pin and throwing the grenade over her shoulder, the grenade hits the building, causing an explosion::
RokettoDanClyde: ... Been a rough day for you, you just sit there...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he hears the explosion:: No!!!!!   x_x My ATV!!!
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he walked over to the pond::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Down goes $5000....
RokettoDanBonnie: ::just keeps on walking::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Kid, who or what just did that?!
RokettoDanClyde: ... I'm not a mind reader.
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she sees a pond in the distance:: Ah.. water...
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he kneels down to the water, he started to clean off the feathers on his face and hand::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she made her way over to it::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Kid, you're a ZapdosPKH... You might as well take off your shoes. You have taloned feet...
RokettoDanClyde: .... right...
Ditto Pokehybrid: They look uncomfortable ...
RokettoBonnie: ::doesn't see Jim and Zapkid as she appears on the other side of the pond::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he unlaced his shoes and forced them off, his feet speaded out streching::.. That does feel alot better::....
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she kneels down and gets herself a drink of water::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he tossed his shoes aside::.. ..::he looked over towards Jim::..
DittoPKH:::He looks around the pond...::o_o What's that red thingy on the other side?

RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked over, and useing his bird eyes he can zoom in::.. It appers to be Josie..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he begins walking along the side of the pond::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Watch yourself....
RokettoDanBonnie: ::hears something and looks up::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he continued until he was nearing Josie::..  .... Josie...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she looks to Zapkid:: What do you want?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He takes out an awkward looking gun, looks somewhat like a small grenade launcher.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He points to the air, and fires.::
RokettoDanClyde: Sorry for having to hurt you, I wanted to know if you were all right.
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::In mid-air, a fragmentation grenade detonates. It sends shrapnel to everyone's direction.:
RokettoDanBonnie: ::hears something being fired and looks up::
RokettoDanClyde: ...::he looked to the sky::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::covers her head::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::a surge of eletric energy formed and a shield appered over him and josie in case of
RokettoDanClyde: danger::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to Zapkid:: He doesn't understand.. The rockets that were coming after him, after I had gone for him..
Ditto Pokehybrid: -_-  It's her..... ::He puts an explosive grenade onto Josie's direction.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::shakes her head:: I just wanted a drink of water, tell him I'm leaving..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::walks away from Zapkid::
RokettoDanClyde: Jim, Stop it... She's not with them anymore..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to Jim, then heads into the bushes::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He drops the weapon.::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked over to where she went, then to Jim::..
DittoPKH: If she doesn't talk to me, right now, she's as good as dead. Not from me...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::can't hear them anymore::
RokettoDanClyde: Well, you don't fire weapons to get someone to talk to you...
RokettoDanClyde: that only makes them fear you into silents...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::yawns and pulls out a compass:: Let's see.. I must be near Viridian.. so..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he turned and ran off to where Josie went::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::points to the east:: This is where I'm heading now.. ::starts walking towards the east::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he yelled out::.. Josie!
RokettoDanBonnie: ::hears him, but says nothing::
RokettoDanClyde: Josie Stop!
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he was getting closer to her::..
RokettoDanBonnie: Go away..
RokettoDanClyde: .... Why should I....?
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks down to the ground...::
Ditto Pokehybrid: I'm becoming as bad as Giovanni...
RokettoDanBonnie: Cause I said so!
Ditto Pokehybrid: My hatred consuming me...Blinding me...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::starts a blizzard right over herself and him::
RokettoDanClyde: Could you at least talk to Jim, get things strighten out..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Was she telling the truth?
RokettoDanBonnie: He doesn't want to talk..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ...or is the maskerade still on...
RokettoDanBonnie: Leave me alone.. I'm going home..
RokettoDanClyde: He just has a problem on people skills x.o;
Ditto Pokehybrid: Well, PKHs will be onto her, and if not them, TR will...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::stops and looks to Zapkid:: I said to Go away..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::she uses the psychic powers within her to pick Zapkid up and turn his entire body around so he is no longer facing her, but in the direction he came:: Go back to Jim..
RokettoDanClyde: Errr,... looks like Jim isn't the one without people skills...
RokettoDanBonnie: Leave me alone..  ::keeps walking::

RokettoDanClyde: ..::he just ran ahead of josie cutting her off::.. back there, he gave you a chance, now
RokettoDanClyde: you give him a chance..
RokettoDanBonnie: Give him a chance to what??
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he takes out a cell phone.::
RokettoDanClyde: To talk and get things stright, If you ever so want to get rid of me just talk to him.
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks up to the sky...And goes into deep thought..::
RokettoDanBonnie: He thinks I'm after him still.. He'll kill me.
Ditto Pokehybrid: One phone call.....
RokettoDanClyde: I'll protect you...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Girl, you better show up, before I get the guts to call Ash and co. on you...
RokettoDanClyde: I'll watch him, as long as you won't pull anything i'll make sure things stay calm...
RokettoDanClyde: And if it doesn't work i'll leave you alone still...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::sighs and looks to him:: If Jim wants to kill me, nothing you'll do will stop him..
RokettoDanClyde: Just give it a try...If Jim even trys, i'll do what I can to protect you, if he attacks, i'll leave him too..
RokettoDanBonnie: Fine.. let's go..
RoketClyde: ..::he pointed out::.. he is that way you stay infront so I make sure your there.
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He looks down on his hand, and scans through the video phone's address book.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::starts walking back towards the lake::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he followed behind::....::he kept watch on josie::..
RokettoDanBonnie: ::Eventually, she was back at the pond::
RokettoClyde:..::he was close behind::.. Jim she has come to speak with you, be friendly!
Ditto Pokehybrid:::He sees a pic, Ash/PikachuPKH, Tracey/LaprasPKH, Laura L./RapidashPKH::    -_-  ....right on time.... ::He puts away the cell phone.::
RokettoDanClyde: So,... talk you two..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Explain...Before when I was crying and I lost it...
RokettoClyde: ..::he kept watch on the two not letting ether one of them out of his sight::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: You were being truthful, weren't you...
RokettoDanBonnie: Explain what? About what exactly?
Ditto Pokehybrid: I gave the assumption that you were decieving me. If you would have killed me, you would have done it inside the HQ. So...  -_-   ....i'm sorry.....
RokettoDanBonnie: Sorry... why?
Ditto PKH: You...were wiping my tears, ...and I had a cold emotion towards ya...

Bonnie: I attacked you. I was attacked and hurt. You got away. That's what was suppose to happen..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he kept watching::.. Zap...
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::He holds his face, and he starts to weep..::
RokettoDanBonnie: Why do you cry.. ?
Ditto Pokehybrid: The battlefield's a bitch...I'm extremely gentle, but I don't show it much, and yet I can kill  creatures in a few seconds...
RokettoDanBonnie: Still.. why are you crying?
RokettoDanClyde: ......
Ditto Pokehybrid: I feel like an ass...
RokettoDanBonnie: Don't let it bother you.. Life's tough..
RokettoDanClyde: ...
RokettoDanBonnie: What else have you to say to me? I'm heading home..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Least you have a home.
RokettoDanClyde: yeah...
RokettoDanBonnie: I don't know what's left for me.. I'm going to find out.
Ditto PKH: I wander the world to save creatures, and you have a real profession.
RokettoDanBonnie: I did..
Ditto Pokehybrid:
RokettoDanBonnie: Oh, really? Where?
Ditto Pokehybrid: At the same place where you once were...
RokettoDanBonnie: With Giovanni?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Set up some calls, talk to the right people, And you can be back in the police force...With the Jenny's and such.
RokettoBonnie: Oh.. so you know about that..Well, not like they'd rehire me.. look at me..
Ditto PKH: ::he looks at her, and shruggs::You haven't seen every Jenny, have you?
RokettoDanClyde: ... even though you much diffrent, you can be of more help with the ability and all..
RokettoDanBonnie: No.. .why?
DittoPKH: The ones you haven't seen yet...Take a wild guess. ::He hands her a photo.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::takes it::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::It is of all of the Jenny's. one third of them are Growlithe PKHs, a taur, 4 legged, and "norm".::
RokettoDanBonnie: Still.. I worked for Giovanni..
RokettoDanClyde: .... You just do what you think that you should do...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Find the PKH Jennys...They might be the ones who will help ya. Just steer clear from the other ones...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::shakes her head:: I don't want to hold a gun..
RokettoDanClyde: ....
Ditto Pokehybrid: Okay....
RokettoDanBonnie: ::sits down:: I don't know what I'll do..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::he takes out a video phone.::
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to josie::..

DittoPKH: ::He turns on the video phone, the camera, and the video phone turns on.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks over to him::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Here...
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he sat on the ground and crossed his legs, he then crossed his arms over his chest and hung his head a bit looking to the ground::.
RokettoDanBonnie: What?
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he peered up to jim::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ::A Jenny, With a Growlithe's fur, mussle, and hears is on the screen.::
Ditto Pokehybrid: ^.^ Officer Jenny, Lavender division here.
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to the phone....type.. thingy::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: '_'   Growl......   ::She growls somewhat, looking at Josie.::
RoketBonnie: ::looks to the Jenny with a sigh:: You talk to her, Jim.. I have nothing to say..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Now hold on...
RokettoDanClyde: ...zap.....
Ditto Pokehybrid: You had to have some explanation that you did what you did. I hope...
RokettoDanBonnie: What??
Ditto Pokehybrid: Why did you join Team Rocket?
RokettoDanBonnie: I didn't!
Ditto Pokehybrid: What?
RokettoDanBonnie: I.. um.. why did I join? ::gets a confused look::
Ditto Pokehybrid: Oh...err....okay....
Ditto Pokehybrid: ^.^ Growlithe.....nice look.....
Ditto Pokehybrid: So, we'll see you tomorrow then?
RokettoDanBonnie: Tomorrow? Where?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Yeah. You do have to finish your final exams....
RokettoDanClyde: o.o....
Ditto Pokehybrid: Go to wherever nearby Jenny I suppose. I'll pass the word to them.
RokettoDanBonnie: Um.. ok.. Celadon City..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ^.^ Okay. My sis will see you there!  ...Growwwlithe! ::The call disconects.::
RokettoDanBonnie: ::smiles a bit::
Ditto Pokehybrid: That went well...
RokettoDanClyde: So guess this means you'll be leaving now..
Ditto Pokehybrid: See? What'd I tell ya?
RokettoDanBonnie: But..
Ditto Pokehybrid: '_' Wait, I didn't even say much...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to Jim and Zapkid::
RokettoDanBonnie: What about y'all?
RokettoDanClyde: .. I have nothing anymore.... guess i'm stuck drifting...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Unless you want to come along...
RokettoDanBonnie: How old are you, kid?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Finish the exams, and do whatever you have to do.
Ditto Pokehybrid: 15 here...
RokettoDanClyde: ...... my age...around 12-13.... i soppose....
RokettoDanClyde: why you asking..?
RokettoDanBonnie: Y'all are both old enough to get a job around.. why not find yourself something?
RokettoDanClyde: ..::shrugs::.. What could I do..?
Ditto Pokehybrid: My job's a PKH Trainer. Unless....
RokettoDanBonnie: You could do anything if you put your mind to it..
RokettoDanBonnie: Unless what?
Ditto Pokehybrid: intrested in....
Ditto Pokehybrid: ....being a Pokehybrid Trainer?
Ditto Pokehybrid: I...can't be the only person trying to save the world here...
RokettoDanBonnie: You talking to me or Zap?
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to Jim::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Both.
RokettoDanClyde: Me a Hybrid Trainer... what makes you think I could do that..?
RokettoDanBonnie: ::looks to Jim:: You know, back in the woods, I wasn't lying.
RokettoDanBonnie: I did mean it when I asked you to teach me..
RokettoDanBonnie: You're the best opponent I've ever had.
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he looked to josie and then Jim::..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Talk and fight... A relentless assault isn't anythin'... Dedication...
RokettoDanBonnie: Still.. you changed my mind..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Admiration...Preservation...You..really want me to

RokettoDanBonnie: ::nods::
RoketClyde: ..might aswell teach me somehting too... I have nothing to do ... o.o Zap..
RokettoDanBonnie: You've been out there.. you've stained your hands.. you'd be better than some of the police can..
RokettoDanClyde: o.o
RokettoDanBonnie: And Zap, you need a name for yourself, Kiddo..
RokettoDanClyde: ....
RokettoDanBonnie: ::smiles and looks to him:: Get yourself a code name or something..
RokettoDanClyde: ..::shurgs::.. ok,.. i guess...
Ditto Pokehybrid: Nickname. Not code name...
RokettoDanBonnie: *shrug* Whatever floats your boat. So, will you teach me, Jim?
Ditto Pokehybrid: Yeah, I will.
RokettoDanClyde: ..::he was now locked on trying to think of a name::..
RokettoDanBonnie: I'll help ya out on your journeys or whatever.
RokettoDanClyde: um,... a little help on thinking a name please? o.o
RokettoDanBonnie: ::giggles and looks to Zapkid::
RokettoDanBonnie: [ You got the good names, Jim.. list us some. =) ]
Ditto Pokehybrid: Zephyron Lightalon... ::shruggs::
RokettoDanClyde: Zephyron Lightalon..?...o.o that works ok
RokettoDanClyde: [..::goes and chages name on the list::.. n.n thanks Jim ]
RokettoDanBonnie: Give him a nickname of his nickname.. Zephyron's a mouth full.
RokettoDanClyde: Zeph.. o.o
Ditto Pokehybrid: Zeph...
RokettoDanBonnie: Ok, that works.
RokettoDanClyde: Ok, so what shall we do now...
RokettoDanBonnie: ::shrugs::  ::looks to Jim:: Oh worthy leader of this new revolution..
Ditto Pokehybrid: Damn...I'm a leader now...
RokettoDanBonnie: Something wrong with it?
RokettoDanClyde: well if theres more then one in a group someone has to lead the others..
Ditto Pokehybrid: ^.^ It's a weird feel to it...
-And so, two new allies are now with Jim. Will their paths cross again, and will they be PokeHybrid Trainers? Eh, i'll set up the RP soon enough.    <: D Thanks for watching this episode of, Jim-PokeHybrid Trainer! ...or something like that..-